When we got there, the guy's car was on its side, a wooden utility pole was slightly tilted, and the Rescue-Jacks were already in place stabilizing the car from rolling or pitching. I stretched a hoseline off the Engine to the front of the car before a Chief brought my attention to the leaning utility pole right above my head. I then restretched the line in a safer direction and stayed there with one of our new guys.
Turns out the driver was very drunk, and comical. He wasn't hurt at all and was able to climb out the sunroof once two of our guys ripped it off. Then he said "I hope no one else was hurt," to which we said "Sir, you were the only one in the car" to which he replied "I was???" Also, while sitting in the ambulance he made us promise to let him know when the ambulance got there. We got quite a kick out of that.
The odd part of the accident was that there was quite a bit of split wood sitting next to the wooden utility pole that he hit, yet the pole was pretty straight on the ground with no visible damage. The car ended up taking a 3 foot section right off the bottom of the pole, and the pole simply dropped down 3 ft into its original hole. Pretty cool once I realized what I was looking at.
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