Anyway, part of my rebellion was taking the shield off my helmet - that dreaded, horrific orange P for "please let me do something." Well low and behold, like 2 days later we got a working fire on grove street. We were all hyped up on the engine, as usual, and Artie woods told me and john to go in with him. We took a handline in through the front door after masking up and crawled up a small staircase to a dining room. There was a lotta smoke. Artie was on the nozzle, with John behind him and I was behind John.

Artie's knees hurt so he backed off and John and I moved up a spot, putting me right behind the front man. A chair kept falling onto John and he kept pushing it off, so I grabbed it with one hand and launched it across the room. Then Moses pushed his way to the front and took the nozzle from John, but John took it back. Someone threw a stuffed Finding Nemo overhead and it ripped open, sending little foam balls all over the place - it was so chaotic. We moved to the edge of the kitchen which was to the floor with smoke.
John put some water around but we couldn't see the flames. I saw some orange glow above us in the kitchen so i pointed it out and John put some water on it. After a while we made no progress and backed down the stairs, where an eager members of another company took the nozzle (later claiming that we bailed out.)
I went to the side of the house and saw a hoseline was burnt open on the ground. We then stood on the side of the house next door and watched the fire through a huge hole in the roof but had no handline to put water on it.
The rest was a surround and drown.
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