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Friday, April 11, 2008

Basement Fire on Chestnut

Same time as the carfire last nite, around 2 AM, we get called out to reports of an "air conditioner on fire." Fire, being one of the keywords I look for in a dispatch, got me revved up. We had a pretty full boat and every one was throwing elbows to get their shit on in the truck. Captain looked back and said he's taking the first line, and 2 guys yelled they're with him on the first line. I then yelled that me, John and Jack are on the second line.

We pulled up first due, got off and unreeled our backup line off the officer's side perfectly. Unreeling it 100% is one of our deficiencies as a company, because sometimes people get too hyped up at a fire, unreel it half way or 3/4 and just run to the door, but last nite was better.

I saw the first team go in, so my team masked up and followed them in with a smooth boor. Visibility was still pretty good so I didn't go on air right away. I saw an air conditioner unit on fire, and extension up into the wall and some of the cieling above it. I gave a few short bursts over the first team, just enough to hit the fire a bit but not enough to wet them because I know how much this pisses me off when people give me a douching because they're trigger happy.

Our big guy, Jeff, went on a rampage taking walls and cielings with his gloved hands. I guess he couldn't wait for a tool, and he started punching and pulling the sheetrock like it was tissue paper. He's a big guy and real aggressive when he's pumped up, so we sat and watched the show, laughing from time to time. My backup guy was sent into another room to do a search and we got called to bring a line upstairs for extension.

Going upstairs, we found heavy smoke condition but no visible flame. We opened up much of the walls and ceiling, moving the ton of furniture and clothing out of our way in the process. Jeez they had a ton of piles of clothes in the place.

All in all we did a text-book stop with no fuck-ups that I can remember.


Anonymous said...

wish you the best of luck with the great job you're doing ..

wanna say waiting for your next post but that would be like i hope to hear of another fire LOL

good luck ;)


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